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Creative And Cheap Storage Solutions For A Unique Retro Kitchen

Aside from the very first room seen upon entering your home, the next most important is more than likely to be the kitchen. This makes it a prime target for creative and hopefully cheap storage and design solutions. The time we spend in our homes when not asleep tends to be split evenly between this room and whatever room the telly lives in. That means the kitchen ranks very high on the list of priorities for most people. Why not make sure the kitchen reflects your personal style with these creative and cheap storage solutions for a unique retro kitchen.

Kitchen Organization Matters, But Don’t Sacrifice Design!

I’ve seen a wide variety of kitchens in my lifetime and they have ranged from pristine museum spaces to ones well-worn and loved. I’ve seen wonderfully organized and accessible spaces and those where even finding a wooden spoon would require the assembly of a fellowship and something about destroying a magic ring in a distant land!

With that said, there are a couple of simple things that can be done to keep things organized in the culinary arena without resorting to ripping your whole kitchen apart. A non-exhaustive list of basic organization tips include:

  • Create zones in the kitchen for specific tasks and keep items related to that task in their proper zone.
  • Group similar items together. For example, keep all the cooking utensils in one place by the stove rather than two or three drawers scattered around the room.
  • Make good use of space on counter tops, walls, and even hanging some items from the ceiling.
  • Use storage containers to keep small or bulk items in to give a more cohesive and clean look. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes so there is definitely a container out there that fits any specific need.
  • Pick storage items out that fit the design goal. This will enhance the pleasure both you and your guests will derive from the space.

Kitchen Organization Matters, But Don’t Sacrifice Design!

I’ve seen a wide variety of kitchens in my lifetime and they have ranged from pristine museum spaces to ones well-worn and loved. I’ve seen wonderfully organized and accessible spaces and those where even finding a wooden spoon would require the assembly of a fellowship and something about destroying a magic ring in a distant land!

Creative And Cheap Storage Solutions For A Unique Retro Kitchen 1

With that said, there are a couple of simple things that can be done to keep things organized in the culinary arena without resorting to ripping your whole kitchen apart. A non-exhaustive list of basic organization tips include:

  • Create zones in the kitchen for specific tasks and keep items related to that task in their proper zone.
  • Group similar items together. For example, keep all the cooking utensils in one place by the stove rather than two or three drawers scattered around the room.
  • Make good use of space on counter tops, walls, and even hanging some items from the ceiling.
  • Use storage containers to keep small or bulk items in to give a more cohesive and clean look. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes so there is definitely a container out there that fits any specific need.
  • Pick storage items out that fit the design goal. This will enhance the pleasure both you and your guests will derive from the space.

A Far Out, Righteous Look For Any Cat To Have A Blast And Find Out What’s Buzzin’, Cousin?

Retro is another of today’s more popular deign styles. It is a time-based style and typically refers to the period from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. Although modern design falls within that date range, retro has aspects that make it distinct from that style. The time period before retro, typically the 1930’s through the World War II 1940’s, is commonly referred to as vintage. Each decade of the retro period also exists as it’s own unique sub-style.

Decorating in the retro style usually reflects a fun, lively, unencumbered lifestyle. That explains why it’s regaining popularity. It also helps when working in that totally tubular flea market find! It is the unrestrained answer to the more clean, and sometimes strict, appearance of modern. A good retro design will lend itself well to a rather eclectic assemblage of kick knacks displayed in a bright and catchy way. Points to remember when creating your retro style include:

  • Uncomplicated furniture with abstract shapes and flowing, curvy designs.
  • Including bright, cheerful color combinations. Popular retro colors include orange, red, mustard yellow, avocado green, and various shades of blue and aqua.
  • The use of colorful fabrics with bright, bold designs ranging anywhere from elaborate paisley to simple, colorful plaids are common.
  • This style is the perfect place to incorporate uncommon materials like plastic, porcelain, and shinny chrome.

A Far Out, Righteous Look For Any Cat To Have A Blast And Find Out What’s Buzzin’, Cousin

Retro is another of today’s more popular deign styles. It is a time-based style and typically refers to the period from the 1950’s through the 1980’s. Although modern design falls within that date range, retro has aspects that make it distinct from that style. The time period before retro, typically the 1930’s through the World War II 1940’s, is commonly referred to as vintage. Each decade of the retro period also exists as it’s own unique sub-style.

Creative And Cheap Storage Solutions For A Unique Retro Kitchen 2

Decorating in the retro style usually reflects a fun, lively, unencumbered lifestyle. That explains why it’s regaining popularity. It also helps when working in that totally tubular flea market find! It is the unrestrained answer to the more clean, and sometimes strict, appearance of modern. A good retro design will lend itself well to a rather eclectic assemblage of kick knacks displayed in a bright and catchy way. Points to remember when creating your retro style include:

  • Uncomplicated furniture with abstract shapes and flowing, curvy designs.
  • Including bright, cheerful color combinations. Popular retro colors include orange, red, mustard yellow, avocado green, and various shades of blue and aqua.
  • The use of colorful fabrics with bright, bold designs ranging anywhere from elaborate paisley to simple, colorful plaids are common.
  • This style is the perfect place to incorporate uncommon materials like plastic, porcelain, and shinny chrome.

Clever Retro Countertop Kitchen Solutions

There’s counter space, so why not use it? Obviously, stuff can’t just be piled onto it otherwise any functional use it may serve would be destroyed. Luckily there are several organizational and storage items out there to beautifully display needed items. Reclaim the counter top for it’s intended use! Try out some of these creative countertop storage solutions for a unique retro kitchen.

Three Tiered Wire Storage Basket
Three Tiered Wire Storage Basket
Three Tiered Wire Storage Basket

This fruit basket is a combination of three different sizes, with a round opening design to accommodate a variety of fruit snacks. The hollow and simple design makes it suitable for restaurants, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, weddings, and more.


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Retro Modern Plastic Straw Dispenser
Retro Modern Plastic Straw Dispenser
Retro Modern Plastic Straw Dispenser

Bring the feel of that retro diner you used to love to go to as a kid with these straw dispensers. Get creative with them, they don’t just have to contain straws! These would look great on any retro counter top or kitchen table.

From Miles Kimball.

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Solid Wood Knife And Utensil Holder
Solid Wood Knife And Utensil Holder
Solid Wood Knife And Utensil Holder

A home cook needs to keep the essential cooking utensils within easy reach. This knife block achieves that with a rather versatile, retro look that makes prepping that weeknight meal a cinch.

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Three Piece Vintage Retro Ceramic Kitchen Canisters
Three Piece Vintage Retro Ceramic Kitchen Canisters
Three Piece Vintage Retro Ceramic Kitchen Canisters

These stylish containers are a great way to hide the bulky clutter away while keeping it within easy reach at the same time. They would look great in any retro kitchen.

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Retro Kitchen Kitchen Bundle
Retro Kitchen Kitchen Bundle
Retro Kitchen Kitchen Bundle

This bundle provides some great retro counter top storage items and a trash receptacle to help solidify your room.

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Self Contained Retro Kitchen Storage Solutions

Counter top solutions are not always ideal in every case. For those storage issues where more space is required, consider a freestanding cabinet or a hanging rack. They can be found in a whole host of styles for general and specific uses. Here are a couple of creative self contained storage solutions for a unique retro kitchen.

Linder Retro Modern Dining Buffet
Linder Retro Modern Dining Buffet
Linder Retro Modern Dining Buffet

Take your dining room to memorable times with a retro-modern look. The Linder Retro Dining Buffet features multiple storage units for your dining needs and five wine slots. Enjoy dinners with rich wines and a stylish accessory!

From Furniture Of America.

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Handmade Retro Wine Rack And Organizer
Handmade Retro Wine Rack And Organizer
Handmade Retro Wine Rack And Organizer

Most of us would always like to keep a good bottle of wine on hand, but you need a place to properly store it. Here is a great option that blends into the retro look to give you all the storage you need for your fruit of the vine.

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Retro Rectangle Kitchen Pot Rack
Retro Rectangle Kitchen Pot Rack
Retro Rectangle Kitchen Pot Rack

If you can install a hanging rack then this can be a wonderful option to keep your pots and pans from taking up valuable space in your cabinets and still keep them within easy reach. It’s both stylish and functional!

From Enclume.

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Wall Mounted Retro Kitchen Storage Shelving

The walls can also help to alleviate the inundation of clutter on the countertops. Small shelves and storage baskets can provide just the right amount of storage for a specific need. They can easily blend into your overall design scheme. Why not check out these cheap wall mounted storage solutions for a unique retro kitchen.

Two Tiered Kitchen Wall Storage Rack
Two Tiered Kitchen Wall Storage Rack
Two Tiered Kitchen Wall Storage Rack

This wall mounted solution has plenty of room to move your counter top storage containers out of the way. It also has a handy bar to hang some of your small items from to create even more room.


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Wall Mounted European Metal Shelf Rack
Wall Mounted European Metal Shelf Rack
Wall Mounted European Metal Shelf Rack

This is a great solution for by the stove to hold some essential spices or on the wall by the kitchen table to hold some commonly used condiments.


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Nordic Wind Retro Wall Mounted Storage Bin
Nordic Wind Retro Wall Mounted Storage Bin
Nordic Wind Retro Wall Mounted Storage Bin

Wall mounted baskets can absolutely be useful! This set can blend into a variety of design styles and will compliment any retro kitchen. Use it to store bulk items like potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, or anything else you need to keep handy.

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Retro Kitchen Storage Solutions Can Be Creative, Unique, And Cheap

The importance of organization in the kitchen can’t be over emphasized. When things are in their proper place, whipping up a weeknight dinner can be a breeze. The design of the room, when fits the stylistic goal, can enhance the pleasure derived from it. Storing items properly is key to this and there are loads of options out there to choose from. Just keep the overall design choice in mind when picking out solutions and you will be highly pleased with the result. When these creative and cheap storage solutions for a unique retro kitchen are implemented, you’ll walk into your kitchen and shout, “Cowabunga!” Well, maybe say it to yourself lest your family might think you’ve lost your mind!

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6 thoughts on “Creative And Cheap Storage Solutions For A Unique Retro Kitchen”

  1. I really love the knife block as usually they are so boring and unattractive but this one is a beauty so I am to go shopping as my wee kitchen needs a lift and this is a good start- I might also get some storage canisters as the lid on one of mine is broken so shopping time here I come

    Thank you

    • I’m glad to have been assistance. I found lots of neat little items in me research for this post so it was hard to pin it down to just a handful. Hopefully I’ve pointed you in the right direction. Let me know if I can help again!

  2. Hello Rob, thanks a lot for the info on the retro kitchen. I didn’t even know the history on the retro design itself or what year is being copied. I can see you have quite a number of helpful equipments. I like the three pieced had there. Like you said, the organization of a kitchen cannot be overemphasized and it needs to be sparkling clean as well. I’ll keep in mind your tips and shop on your products. Thanks again for this valuable info.

    • Knowing where things are and getting to them easily really does make all the difference when trying to whip up a meal after a long day. And if the room looks pleasing to you rather than a mess then it just makes the effort of cooking all the more worth while, not to mention healthier than take out options! Let me know if you need some more ideas, I’ll be happy to try to drum some up.

  3. Hello Rob, it is totally a honest fact that organization is integral to the way a kitchen is set up and being creative and stylistic about it would give a reassuring feeling whenever one enters the kitchen. We just moved to a new apartment and I’m glad to have come across the various suggestions you gave up here that would help in setting up our kitchen. I will suggest this to my wife to pick up new ideas in reorganizing our kitchen. Thanks

    • Congratulations on the new place! I’ve lived in several small places and can’t sing the praises of using the walls for storage enough. With all the options out there I’m sure there’s something to fit whatever room you need. Let me know if you need any specific suggestions!


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